- John F Kennedy.
Ponder this: do you want to sit in your office with your ‘sustainability manager’ title and be content with the knowledge that you are compliant with all carbon emission legalities and recycling quotas? Or, if it does not content you to sit and accept the status quo, do you think beyond the boundaries and regulations of your company, industry, society? I spoke with a lovely lady from South Africa recently who told me of her friend who lobbied his business to change the work dress-code so that they could wear (smart) shorts and short-sleeved shirts to work, instead of stuffy, sweaty and constricting full suits and ties. Eventually it was passed and the business dramatically reduced their energy usage (with obvious consequences on their bills and carbon emissions) through less use of air conditioning. A small step you might think, but it is this kind of thinking that we need in order to make a difference.
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