The fashion industry is celebrated for its creativity and international style prowess as much as it is thwarted for its unethical practices. From supply-chain screw-ups, to Primark pains and size zero heroes, we have heard much about the negative side of this brutal, fast-paced and shallow industry of late.
One thing that has only just come into my radar is age. Sex sells in most industries, but very particularly in the fashion world. The models don't have to be scantily clad to turn pieces of fabric into something sexually alluring, using mainly their eyes and body stance. We like to look at beautiful things and fashion PR knows that this is what sells; this is their job.
So at what age should models enter into this life? Is 10 years old too young? The management of 10-year-old french model Blondeau, who has been pictured topless and in high-glamour couture dresses and heels, don't seem to think so. Yes she is gorgeous, in a cute, little child kind of way. I just wonder how this attention (who knows who is looking at those photos) will affect her development and her body confidence in later life. Where should the line be drawn?
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