Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Chucks away!

What is my role in life? That is a bit dramatic. What I mean is: what will my next job be?

Having finished my wonderful internship with Corporate Citizenship at the end of September, I spent a week in Devon and quite liked the job I had there for that short time: it was regular hours, the commute was incredibly short, I was always appreciated- the only downside was that it was unpaid.

What was my job last week at home in Devon?

I was Head of Chickens.

As Head of Chickens, I learnt a lot about living more sustainably. As I woke up, I let them out. They were normally found huddled up together to keep warm.

I checked for eggs- which make a lovely orangey colour when scrambled...

They came running when it was time for their feed, always grateful to see me.

I had to be careful about where to place the grain so that the one of the three who has a bad leg could get a look-in as well (I call her 'hop-along'- a slightly mean name for one of your colleagues, but luckily she does not understand - you may be able to see her as the white dot in the background).

At the end of the day the reminder on my phone said 'chucks away!' which was probably the most important part of the job. If the chickens were not shut back in their home properly, there may not be any chickens left by morning. We never encountered such issues under my term of office.

Ahh the simple life.

Unfortunately there's nowhere I can really go from Head of Chickens, unless I wanted to open a chicken farm, which I don't think I do. So for now I will keep looking for the next job... this time a bit further afield... in Sydney.

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