Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Dear Lucy Mangan

I think that you are all-round bloody brilliant and I bloody love you.

Your surname should be 'WomanCan' not Mangan. Maybe.

You are probably the wittiest, most engaging and amusing writer I have come across. And that's genuine. I would love to be able to write like you (although we do share some similarities in style, as demonstrated in the against-the-rules deployment of extra long sentences and lots of brackets).

Now that I have your attention, Lucy, (please do not think the above flattery to be false- I genuinely do love reading your articles each and every week), I would just like to make one small point. Following my reading of your recent article 'The rain washes away my global warming guilt' in the fabulous Stylist magazine, I was prompted to return to my  university texts for clarification (cue the image of huge dusty, damp-smelling encyclopaedias being fork-lift-trucked off my own library shelves that go on forever, whilst I in fact click to Google, sorry).

Unfortunately, the recent British rain shouldn’t really be washing away your guilt about global warming and in fact yours, and everyone’s guilt, should remain. And should prompt the big wigs at Rio+20 to stop jabbering on about it and get on with it, or at least make them jabber on until they make a proper, legally-binging plan about getting on with it. Yes, global warming is doing as it say on the tin, but there are thousands of other impacts that the rise in global temperatures will have, and is having.

For example, we will see an increase in extreme weather events such as this ‘a-month’s-worth-of-rain-fell-in-the-last-24-hours’ (Mangan, 2012) nonsense. Now, I am no expert (in fact, I mostly took the ‘human’ geography options at university- who doesn't love a good ol' gander at the inner workings of our catastrophically wonderful society?) But the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are, and I am betting that’s not where you sourced your info from, is it love? Their last Assessment Report was produced in 2007 and clearly states that the negative impacts of global warming felt in Europe ‘will include increased risk of inland flash floods’. Another IPCC Assessment Report is due soon- keep your eyes peeled- it’s gonna be a corker.

On another weather-related note, there is also a 50% chance of El Nino effects occurring this year. Now I’ll let you ponder that one yourself.

I am sorry if that means that you will now worry whatever the weather, whatever the guilt-filled time of year. Oh no please don't worry! I hope I haven't caused you extra worry? There are lots of things you can do to help- you already do one of them by not flying very much at all! Getting involved with something like Global Action Plan may be a nice thing for you to do? Or at The Guardian, where you are most of the time, electronically at least, the Guardian Sustainable Business section, as well as your own internal Sustainability Manager know and do a whole bunch. Go and have a chat and a cup o' tea.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. 
I hope to hear back from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

A huge LM fan- Rosie Helson

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